
Showing posts from November, 2018

Perfection: a myth

 If you are planning a trip, you take some more money than required, while making any calculations you specify the possible errors and its range, you prepare some extra food during a family function in case if some extra is required.In all these cases we see that we don't bound ourselves to a specific value of entity while performing any important action. We specify the range in order to be in safer sides. What does this mean? We aren't perfect. Even in the most accurate calculations in science we have to specify the range of errors in which the observed value could deviate. If you observe nature, it has never been perfect, its beauty mostly lies in its imperfections. Under the circumstances where scientific calculations nor the nature is perfect, can a complex thing like human life could be perfect? Absolutely no. Many a times we get frustrated from the things which have gone against our plans like a cancelled party, a delayed journey, a failed plan, a flop time table, etc