The vision through water

There was a person who was striving for food. Hunger was just digesting his own stomach. The problem with him was that he was lost in the dense forests. So availability of edible foodstuffs was limited. Suddenly he came across a lake. This beautiful lake had crystal clear water, shallow depth and ample amount of fishes. It was a great opportunity for the person to counter his hunger. Desperate for hunger, he quickly ran into the water and haphazardly made several attempts to catch the fishes. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful in his each and every attempt. The reasons for his failure attempts were the disturbed equilibrium of water due to which the vision was hindered with ripples and mud and the identification of danger by the fishes well before they were caught as a prey. If the man was wise enough, he would have avoided this haphazard behavior and could have succeeded.
Many a times, our life undergoes a similar scenario. The problems are just like the hunger of the man, the solutions are just like the fishes in the lake and our mind is just like the water. Just like the visibility of fishes to the man could have been better if he would have managed the equilibrium of the water to remain the same, in the same manner the problems of our solutions are near to us in most of the cases but we could see it if and only if we keep our mind still. Not always the mightiest or the most intelligent people have the solution towards each and every problem, but those who keep their mind as stable as possible generally approach to their solutions much quicker than the others.

An unstable mind generally makes most easiest tasks impossible but a stable mind makes the most impossible task easily possible.


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